
No responsibility is accepted by Apexx Developments for the accuracy of any information contained herein or for any action taken in reliance thereon. Prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves on all aspects. Details contained herein do not constitute any representation by the vendor or by the agent and are excluded from any contract. Artists impressions are indicative only and are subject to change without notice.

Privacy Policy 


Apexx Development applies the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in providing services to our valued clients. We conduct our business in accordance with all relevant statutory requirements.

At the company we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is protected, consistent with the National Privacy Principles of the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1988).

There are 10 National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act. These set standards for protecting the privacy of all individuals in their dealings with corporations.


Personal Information

Your personal information includes details such as name, date of birth and contact details (such as phone and fax numbers, e-mail address).

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information comprises personal details that may be used inappropriately. The recording of such information has stricter requirements than other types of personal information. Examples of sensitive information include but are not limited to personal information or opinions on your health, criminal record, sexual preferences, religion, political views etc. Sensitive information can only be recorded if it is relevant to do so and with your consent. Generally, sensitive information is not considered relevant to the assessment of tenancy applications or to the provision of most real estate services or contracts.

The company’s Privacy Principles

​Collection of Personal Information

Where you have requested a service, the company collects your personal information where it is necessary primarily to identify you or your business entity and to assess and establish the service/s you have requested.

Your Rights and the Disclosure of Personal Information

You need not give personal information about yourself that may be requested by us to supply our services. However, without that information we may not be able to carry out our responsibilities to our Principals (Property Owners) and/or provide the services you requested.

Use of Information
The company collects your personal information and uses the information to provide services requested by you. We may use your personal information for related purposes, such as credit agency references and tenancy references in accordance with National Privacy Principles. Your personal information may also be used to complete internal business functions such as auditing, management reporting, research, product development and planning.

Disclosure of Information

In providing services the company may disclose your personal information to organisations that carry out functions on our behalf or on behalf of our clients. This may include but not be limited to sales consultants, property managers, tradespeople, maintenance and cleaning contractors, pest controllers, and service providers. The company endeavours to ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with its privacy policy and is only used to carry out functions on its behalf. However, we cannot accept liability for any misuse of your personal information by those organisations or individuals.

The company may also use and disclose your personal information to complete business functions within the company such as internal auditing, performance reporting, research, product development and planning. You may advise us at any time if you do not want to receive information about these products and services. This does not preclude you from being provided with information about terms and conditions, statements and other information specific to your existing accounts or services.

Date Quality

The company must ensure your personal information collected, used or disclosed is, at all times, accurate, complete and up to date. You should advise us immediately when you become aware that any information we hold about you is incorrect or out of date. We undertake to amend our records as soon as practicable subject to the validity of the request being confirmed.

Data Security

The company will take all responsible steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access modification and disclosure. Your information may be stored in paper or electronic format. Security measures implemented with respect to our IT systems will take account of internal and external recommendations, general industry practice and technological development in the provision of IT security services. Other than statistical information we do not collect information about you through our website other than where you provide it.

Open Practices

The company has a policy and an internal Operations Manual that describes our information handling practices. Information in this statement gives you an overview of how we manage your personal information and your rights under the Act.


You are entitled to access personal information we may hold about you. The type of information that you may request is your personal information as well as comments, opinions and file notes that the company holds about you. We will process your request within a reasonable time, generally seven days for a simple request. More complex requests may take longer. There is no fee for lodging a request for personal information and proof of identity is required. However, the company reserves the right to recover reasonable costs associated with processing the request. You will be advised of the cost, if any, before we proceed. ​

The company is not required to provide you with access to your information in some cases, i.e. where the law allows us to deny access. If we deny you access to your information you will be advised the reason why.

A request to access your personal information must be directed to the Licensee.


You may ask the company to correct personal information we hold about you at any time. The company undertakes to correct the information within a reasonable time provided it is satisfied as to the validity of the request being confirmed. If the validity of the request cannot be confirmed by the company you will be advised that we have not acted on it and the reason why. If the company disagrees with your request to correct information it holds, you have the right to request a statement be held with the information noting your disagreement.


Identifiers are unique numbers that a Commonwealth Government agency has assigned to you such as Medicare and Tax File Numbers. By law, an organisation must not use government identifiers as its own identifiers for individuals.

The company is sometimes required to collect identifiers such as Driver’s Licence, Passport or Credit Card details for the purposes of identification and the security of the properties under our management. You may choose not to provide these details but we may then not be able to provide you with the service you request.


In complying with the National Privacy Principles the company will allow its customers and clients in interact anonymously wherever it is lawful and practical to do so.

Sensitive Information

If it is necessary to record sensitive information (such as health related information), we must obtain your specific consent to collect that information. Sensitive information is not generally required for most of the services we provide. You are entitled to access any information we record.

Information Required for Statutory Compliance Purpose 

In addition to questions that the company may ask to ensure general statutory compliance there may be special circumstances where the company or its agents are required to seek additional information about you.

The company may also be required to pass on personal information to Statutory Authorities under the provisions of various Commonwealth and State Government Acts, i.e. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Valuer General’s Office, Australian Taxation Office etc.

Further Information or Questions

Should you have any questions or require further information please direct your inquiries to our email address: info@apexxdevelopment.com.au